Featured Product
Morpheus Photo Mixer
Bring Your Pictures to Life!
Get Creative, Get Crazy, Even Get Ugly!
Morpheus Photo Mixer is compositing software that mixes up faces and body parts between two photos.
Place one person's head onto someone (or something) else's body or combine the funniest features of two people to create a
hypothetical third person. Create hilarious photo mixes and share your wildest creations with your friends in seconds!
Get Wild!
- Stick your husband's face onto the body of your favorite pet or give him a more muscular body.
Place the face of your wife onto the body of a ballerina or your pet cat.
- See what happens when you mix any two celebrity heads together.
- Surprise a wedding couple by mixing the faces of the bride and groom.
The possibilities are endless – Use your imagination and get creative – Shock your friends and family!
Share Your Mixes - Amaze Your Friends & Family!
Email your mixes to others.
Before you know it, your hilarious mixes will be forwarded from one person to another!
Complete Line of Products – Morph, Warp, Mix & Suite
Morpheus Photo Morpher v3.17 — Morphing software that transforms one person or object into
another right before your eyes.
Morpheus Photo Warper v3.17 — Distortion software that warps and exaggerates portions of
photos such as body parts.
Morpheus Photo Mixer v3.17 — Compositing software that mixes up faces and body parts
between two photos.
Morpheus Photo Animation Suite v3.17 — A suite which contains all Morpheus digital photo
animation software titles, plus all of the sample animations.
Morpheus Photo Animation Suite v3.17
The all-in-one Animation Suite includes:
- Morpheus Photo Morpher v3.17
- Morpheus Photo Warper v3.17
- Morpheus Photo Mixer v3.17
- All 15 sample morphs, warps, and mixes
A combined value of over $120 – all for just $79.95!
You'll have fun with your digital pictures forever!
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